Friday, July 01, 2005

Batman Begins (2005)

Magnum's review -

I don't know why I can't fully enjoy movies like this these days? I think I'm such a jerkface and that the movie should be tailored to my liking that I have no patience for a film that tries to brush a broad stroke to tickle a variety of different audiences. This film was so good in so many ways, but I can't stop thinking about the handful of incredibly dumb, ridiculous and downright criminal moments that took place. I do recommend seeing this movie, but if you are a fan of the original film, prepare to come out confused and rather ticked off as your questions simmer.

Let's do this, we'll start with the bad and end with the good as to not leave a bad taste in your mouth. First off, Christian Bale nailed the Bruce Wayne persona, but his performance as the caped crusador was horrendous. His voice was laughable and he had no screen presence as a superhero. The action sequences were nauseating and nothing more that a rapid blur of edits, I felt very wasted during these fights and I hadn't been drinking that much that night. The opening training storyline in the mountains went a bit long and was kind of a yawn, though it explains why Batman can kick everyone's ass in a fight. The ending was okay, but there's a moment where about five different characters end up on the same insignifigant street for no reason, oh how convient, it made me giggle. Gary Oldman was a good younger Gordon but the film now doesn't jive with the original which comes after where Gordon has no idea who Batman is the first time. And they revealed the Batsignal at the end, um doesn't that happen in the original as well. Damn it guys, frickin focus on plot holes! The biggest and most unforgivable is the flashback to Bruce's parents being killed. It's not the same flashback as the original, nobody is wearing the same clothes, the mugging doesn't happen the same way and oh wait, it's not Jack Nappier who kills his mom and dad, but some other guy who eventually gets shot outside the courthouse. Unbelievable! There are ways to explain this huge disconnect between movies should they do another in between, but for now it's just a big god damn thorn in my side.

Okay, the good. The acting was fantastic, a departure from the over the top silliness that took place in the last two installments. The casting choices were great, I really liked Katie Holmes. Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, and relative newcomer Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later) nailed their parts and brought a lot of dark blood to the script. I credit Christopher Nolan with a job well done in his directing and the overall dark tone of the movie. And the production design was very well done, Gotham was not overdone with CGI which was good. Decent script with some good one liners, minus the plot holes. There's also a strange scene where Bruce is out at a hotel party and he brings two 'Eurohoes' who get naked and jump in the decorative fountain and then he buys the hotel when a waiter asks him and his guests to leave. Very James Bondish and funny but only because it was so strange and out of place. I have no idea why this scene was in there. Batman is not a player, he's a playa-hater.

Magnum's Grade: B (86)


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